| Announces
May 2006-: as we are empowering our technical structure, we are looking for young graduates in Information Technology

February 2006: as we are empowering our technical structure, we are looking for implementation specialists for Data Protection & Recovery projects



| Events

16 Maggio 2006: Identity Management - “Identity Management: from user management to authentication in a global integration contest”. How to optimize, monitor, manage Microsoft Infrastructure and its integration with etherogeneous environments to maximize productivity and return on IT investments.

8-10 Febbraio 2006: Infosecurity - leading exibition in Italy about IT Security and Business Continuity - with Storage Expo 2006 - the only event in Italy about data storage and storage networking

21/09/2004: SAP NetWeaver WORLD TOUR - Centro Congressi MilanoFiori

22-24/09/2004: LinuxWorldExpo

28-30/09/2004: Oracle OpenWorld

| News

Febbraio 2006-: Backup consolidation of more than 250 server on HP Disk Library in Data Protector environment

January 2006-: System Management on WebSphere Infrastructure in Linux Red Hat Enterprise 64bit environment

October 2005-: System Management on HP-UX/Oracle Infrastructure in Telecom environment

October 2005-: Performance Analisys and tuning on a complex CRM infrastructure made of more than 30 multiplatform servers

July 2005: startup of a new Network Vulnerability Assessment project in multiple sites of a customer

January-June 2005:
Storage Consolidation and Storage Data Migration projects at major national companies

September 2004
: completion of a 140TB Storage Data Migration on a HPUX and Tru64 SAN, with LVM e Veritas Volume Manager
May 2004: startup of a Disaster Recovery SAP R/3 project in Unix / Oracle environment
April 2004: startup of a System Management SAP R/3 in Unix / Oracle environment
April 2004: completion of a Server Consolidation project in HP-UX / Broadvision / WebSphere / Oracle environment
February 2004: startup of an Application Management SAP R/3 in HP-UX / Oracle environment

| Experience and Competence

Unix System Administration: Multiplatform Unix System Administration
Microsoft System Administration: Microsoft Backoffice System Administration

SAP R/3: SAP R/3, CRM, BW, EBP, ITS, BC Basis Consulting: capacity planning, setup, configuration, upgrade, change management, operations management in complex and business critical SAP environments
Database (ORACLE, SQL, DB2,...) : design, capacity planning, setup, configuration, tuning, reorganization, upgrade, operations management of small, medium, large databases

Application Service Management: Performance analisis for Applications, Databases, Storage, Networks and Infrastructures, response time profiling, bottlenecks identification, "remediation plan" definition and implementation

High availability : design, capacity planning, implementation, operation management, change management for Business Critical Infrastructures
Disaster Recovery: design, implementation of Disaster Recovery solutions for Business Critical Infrastructures

Networking: design, implementation of medium and large networks
Security: security assessment, vulnerability assessment, penetration testing, ethical hacking, defect analisis, remediation planning, change management